Lion's Den INSIDE™ FAQs

How do I sign up for Lion's Den INSIDE™?
Signing up is easy! You can create an account at or sign up in-store. Locate a store near you with our store locator.
How do I log into the member portal?
To log in for the first time, visit the Lion's Den INSIDE™ member portal at, click the "Get a Password" tab, and enter the email used during registration. You'll receive a one-time passcode via email. Use this passcode along with your registered email to log in. You'll then be prompted to reset your password and update your settings.
How old do you have to be to join Lion's Den INSIDE™?
You must be 18 years or older to join the Lion's Den INSIDE rewards program.
Does it cost anything to join INSIDE™?
No, our rewards program is entirely free to join.
What do I need to sign up?
For Lion's Den INSIDE™ registration, we require your legal first and last name, a valid email address (cell phone email addresses not accepted), a valid phone number, postal code, and birthdate.

Why do you need my email and phone number?
We use this information to assist with account-related issues and for optional email message notifications. Your privacy is essential to us, and we never sell your information to third parties.
What’s included in the Lion's Den INSIDE™ Program?
How do I check my membership status?
You can easily view your membership status, available offers, points balance, and more by logging into your account through the member portal.
How do I earn points?
Earn points by making purchases or participating in member events in-store or online. Points for purchases are equivalent to the price of the items in your purchase (excludes taxes). Example: If you purchase an item for $50, you will receive 50 points. 
Do my points ever expire?
Yes, rewards points expire after 730 days (24 months) of inactivity. However, your account will remain active.
How do I spend my Lion's Den INSIDE™ points?
Once you accumulate 150 points, you can spend them online or in-store. You can use as many points as you have, but a minimum of 150 points is required to redeem your first reward of $10 OFF.
Can I use my accumulated Lion's Den INSIDE™ points toward a product that costs less than $10?
Yes, but no cash will be returned.
How can I check my points balance or make changes to my account?
Simply log in to your member portal here:
What are birthday rewards?
On your birthday we will send you a special treat! It might be an exclusive offer, bonus points or a free gift. We change this up regularly, so keep an eye on your inbox!
How do I know when I have a special offer available?
You'll receive email notifications for special offers. If you have opted out of communications, you will not receive any offers. You can adjust communication preferences by logging into the member portal. 
Can my significant other use the account?
No, rewards accounts are intended for individual use only. Points can only be redeemed by the account holder. However, if your significant other verifies the phone number associated with the account, they may contribute points to it.
Can I transfer or gift my account to someone?
For safety and privacy concerns, accounts cannot be transferred or gifted to another person.
How do I use my points online?
Create an account with our webstore using the email used for Lion's Den INSIDE™ registration. To create a new account, please visit:
What happens if I need to cancel an order?
Points earned for canceled orders will be deducted from your balance.
Can I still get free shipping if I spend points?
Yes. Free/discounted shipping still applies to orders having a subtotal of $75 or more after discounts/coupons have been applied.
Can I merge accounts?
We are able to merge duplicate accounts only. To combine duplicate accounts, the names on both accounts must match. Both accounts must belong to you and cannot belong to other individuals. This includes significant others, friends, or family. Combining accounts is a one-time process that cannot be undone.
Do I earn points for transactions where I am also spending points?
Yes, you'll earn points for such transactions based on item prices (pre-tax).
Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions